On 10/04/15 21:36, Go Linux wrote:
In firefox/iceweasel preferences, untick the 'Allow pages to choose their own 
fonts, instead of my selections above' and see what happens.  That prevents the 
icons from rendering.


I understand now what the problem is. Sorry that I am a bit slow :)

But why would you do that? Of course the fonts that are being provided or linked by the web sites will not be rendered as that option prevents it unless you install something on your PC to allow it, like installing Stylish plugins for Firefox shown in the solution that you pointed out. But this becomes interesting. I have not used that kind of plugins as I don't see the point in using them. Would that plugins also render the web fonts from the web sites that are using for instance http://www.google.com/fonts or http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/list/hot_web?



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