On Thu 09 April 2015 05:44:41 Robert Storey wrote:
> Which begs the question: should we just retire the mailing
> list(s) and start using the forum?

Real Programmers dont use Forum

On a less joking comment: 
the ML is the medium of choice for serious communication, simply since you 
don't need a web browser for it, and nobody doing serious work based on - or 
involving - a communication medium will want to poll a forum 20 times a day 
for new posts - that's what mail clients got invented for, to start with (well 
actually POP3 and the clients were first, nonsense like web mailers and fora 
came later). Thus retiring ML is probably not an option, though of course the 
decision is up to the developers in the end. 
Integrating ML and forum afaik never really panned out either, since usually 
the noise from forum incl the web/URL centric style popular there will poison 
the ML. 
Guess why e.g. LKML is no forum, after all those years. Seems ML just work for 
certain specific use cases. Forum works for other usecases maybe.

my 2 €-cent

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