On 06/04/2015 07:23 AM, KatolaZ wrote:
On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 11:36:22AM +0100, David Harrison wrote:
On 04/06/2015 02:52, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:
If it is the resounding will of the community to absolutely not ship the
default installer with this approach, then I will withdraw from Devuan
and someone else can take over the maintenance of the packages I've been
working on.
Daniel, you're doing a great job and I think your proposal is
entirely reasonable. Please stay with us.
Guys, I admit I have seen very good points on both sides (which are
indeed just two slightly different aspects of the *same* side, that is
trying to avoid non-free software to proliferate), but I genuinely
don't undesrstand the "either we all play as I like or I withdraw my
own toys and go play alone elsewhere" approach :(

The choices and the ease of workarounds made here could easily spell the life or death of this distribution and I for one as a long term simple Linux "user" thinks it is crucial that it survives long term both as a distribution in its own right and as a base and inspiration for further non-systemd offshoots.

Most of us on this list are pretty hardcore Linux users and can personally, one way or another, work around almost anything thrown at us, using our own work or the work of others, while this is great, we should not let it restrict our frame of reference too tightly.

I think while the distribution doesn't necessarily have to target "newbies" the distro must appeal to enough run of the mill Linux users, people escaping from claws of systemd in their current choice, to be more than a niche offering.

State the principles of Free Software up front and the correctness of that choice, but allow after jumping over a fence, the installation to be easy enough for an intermediate user to to work through a full install on modern "store bought" equipment and be able to document the process for others with lesser skills.

Those who are trying to split the video card away from the network card, the USB bus, the CPU and memory don't forget that these days that can be a single interdependent encapsulated mass from a number of major suppliers world wide, surface mounted or dropped in a socket, with or without integrated memory. To many the entangled binary blob _IS_ the computer and that is not going to go away anytime soon.

With all the effort that has gone into this so far it deserves to be a major distro and it would appear to this guy watching from the fringe that the necessary brain power is here, but without a noticeably sized user base it will be seen through the eyes of blogger/journalist filtered history as the few weirdos who couldn't face the "future of computing".

Do not forget the bigger picture.

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