On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 05:29:22PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> is it to much to ask not to include me in the To: when answering my
> posts? Obviously I read the list so the discussion should stay here.
> And another plea, please don't post TOFU[0].
> Regards
>    Klaus

Well, did your client support "reply to list"?

It should, and the headers says:
Precedence: list                                                                
List-Id: "The first mailinglist after debianfork.org" <dng.lists.dyne.org>      
List-Post: <mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>                                          

so reply to list works, this is the correct beaviour of a mailing list


Franco (nextime) Lanza
Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - Italy
web: http://www.nexlab.net

NO TCPA: http://www.no1984.org
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