If the goal of Devuan is Debian sans-systemd, then no changes other than 
rebuilding packages to exclude systemd support is needed.

No changes need to be made to anything other than the init couplings.

There is no debating vi or nano. That's just B.S. What we should be concerned 
with is what to do about the sysvinit script set. That and only that should be 
the goal.

Do we do sysvinit with sysvinit scripting?
Do we do sysvinit with bsdinit scripting?
Do we do sysvinit with OpenRC?

My suggestion, keep init as humanly simple as possible. How you do that is up 
to you, but, and in my opinion only, OpenRC is nice, easy, user friendly, etc. 
and Manjaro and Gentoo have great scripts that transfer well between systems.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: John Jensen<mailto:bsduse...@gmail.com>
Sent: ‎7/‎16/‎2015 1:28 PM
To: dng@lists.dyne.org<mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>
Subject: [DNG] dng@lists.dyne.org

I agree with T.J. that Devuan should stay as close to Debian as possible
and it should include vi. If I have to get my little vi book out to
function in vi I will :)

On an unrelated, I appologize for the length of the email I forwarded about
a potential interview. I should have copied and pasted the relevant portion.


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 15:00:35 -0500
From: "T.J. Duchene" <t.j.duch...@gmail.com>
To: Isaac Dunham <ibid...@gmail.com>
Cc: dng@lists.dyne.org
Subject: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
Message-ID: <20150716150035.7864fb61@
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Guys, if you don't mind my saying so, I think that change to the sake of
change is really not very useful.

More importantly, Devuan needs to keep vi installed in any case, in
order to conform to the POSIX standard. I'm tired of the Linux
community deciding to ignore UNIX standards.  If Devuan is going to
break even further from away from POSIX then the usual Linux, then to be
perfectly honest, I will not be using it.

At the very least can we agree that if we are going to change things
that a POSIX metapackage is needed so that conformance can be obtained
as close as possible with ease?

Thanks!  Have a great day! =)

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