Le 18/07/2015 12:43, KatolaZ a écrit :
On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 09:52:18AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:


      Further more, a method could be agreed on to tell the script if
the daemon is going to be supervised or not, and we would then need
only one script for all cases.

     For example, providing "supervised-start" and
"supervised-reload" in addition to the other cases could do the job.
For safety, the scripts could check a file which tells them which
supervisor is calling them.

     What do you think?

How do you support init scripts for several init systems for all the
daemons that could be installed in a distro like Devuan? Who should do
this work? Who should keep things updated and synchronised to allow
the whole process to be neat and clean? Guys, if one apt-get installs
--force-yes the default editor, and things go wrong, it's not a big
issue. If we do the same on init, it's back to dice
rolling... (cit. moria).



    Dear KatolaZ,

I probably didn't express things properly. My idea was precisely a way to workaround the issue you say. The idea was to modify the existing sysv-init scripts so that, while remaining 100% compatible with sysv-init, they become also usable by supervisors. If it proved possible and a standard method was agreed on, then I am convinced the authors of these daemons would do it upstream.

    Alas, supervision experts don't think it is possible :-(


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