On 7/24/2015 6:30 PM, Marlon Nunes wrote:
Guys what about a true UNIX and complete desktop environment to be the 'default' desktop for devuan 2.0?

here's what i'm talking about:


"CDE was designed with end users, software developers, and system administrators in mind. It gives end users a consistent, customizable, network-aware graphical user interface across workstations and PCs. CDE gives software developers a single set of graphical user interface (GUI) and desktop programming interfaces for all platforms that support the X Window System,TM simplifying the task of creating and distributing cross-platform applications."

CDE is basically dead, and in my opinion should remain dead. While I can share your enthusiasm for older DE's, CDE was never a favorite of anyone except corporate. Everyone else was using FVWM, Andrew, or OpenLook.

The source code to the programs and libraries are released under the GNU LGPL 2.0 or later.
Motif is under the LGPL as well.

Only because they realized Motif is dead as a cash cow. When I started with UNIX - you had to license Motif, and it was not cheap.

If I might say so, X11 is in its twilight years, so bringing back old DEs will just get harder and harder. Out of all the things I have seen who tried and failed, I honestly think that Wayland will replace X11. Anything that you can't sever from X11 will probably be left behind or run in XWayland.

Personally, I think that efforts should be focused on building lightweight UIs instead of DEs. I think that tiling window managers are the direction the future will be taking. They are far more efficient, task oriented, and lend themselves better to devices that allow natural use - touch and motion sensing.

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