I tried plugging a external hard drive into my newly installed Devuan 
system, and  immediately ran into a problem:  It seems the volume group 
name used on that drive is the same as the one on my devuan system.
Not that surprising; thee external drive contains the Debian system I'm  
migrating away from.

lvdisplay tells me:

root@notlookedfor:~# lvdisplay
  WARNING: Duplicate VG name VG1: Existing 
zXs7iy-ukO4-ecrC-B1ag-wQkA-6L4K-YKyKRV (created here) takes precedence 
over P4Ggic-hQS6-b82V-zUj6-a0eu-dA3z-5mIkOH
  WARNING: Duplicate VG name VG1: Existing 
P4Ggic-hQS6-b82V-zUj6-a0eu-dA3z-5mIkOH (created here) takes precedence 
over zXs7iy-ukO4-ecrC-B1ag-wQkA-6L4K-YKyKRV
  WARNING: Duplicate VG name VG1: Existing 
zXs7iy-ukO4-ecrC-B1ag-wQkA-6L4K-YKyKRV (created here) takes precedence 
over P4Ggic-hQS6-b82V-zUj6-a0eu-dA3z-5mIkOH

How do I go about mounting its LVM partitions without screing everything 
up?  Can I just ignore the name conflict and mount by UUID?  And are the 
UUIDs in the error message the ones I need for this?

Or is there some way to rename VG1 to something else?  Some way that 
will take care of all the corner cases?  There's a command vgimportclone  
that seems to be for this, but ... it says it also changes the UUID's, 
which are *not* duplicates, and it just might be that another use of 
this external disk might rely on those particulat UUIDs.

It's just possible that the LVM partition names will also have a 

-- hendrik
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