I respectfully disagree.

A single package would require a new build script, but equally it will pay for 
itself in the long run by reducing the overall workload to maintain each 

The short term, yes its work. It will be. But why not have one single 
SDL2-2.0.0-x86_64-1.deb package that is sustainable in the long term?

I don't want to debate long term versus short term, but at the current rate, 
Devuan will be sustainable, but for how long with such a small team?
From: Hendrik Boom<mailto:hend...@topoi.pooq.com>
Sent: ‎8/‎14/‎2015 5:33 PM
To: dng@lists.dyne.org<mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>
Subject: Re: [DNG] Devuan and upstream

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 05:19:25PM -0700, James Powell wrote:
> Slackware is maintained by 3 core people with extra help as needed. The rest 
> of the packages are pushed by the community at large contributing. Devuan 
> doesn't have to maintain every package possible. That's ludicrous to think so.
> Debian got in over its head by allowing this. Thousands upon thousands of 
> packages that required a committee to oversee.
> Honestly, what is needed by a distribution? Look at Slackware or BLFS that's 
> a lot of packages, but it's manageable by a small team. Why can't Devuan 
> follow suit? There doesn't need to be a bagillion packages maintained by the 
> main devs. If the rest need to be passed back to the community at large, then 
> do it. This also hits the point of why do we need 5 different for things 
> like, for example, SDL packages for -bin, -lib, -doc, -dev, -src, and such? 
> One package is easier to maintain than five individual ones. It lightens the 
> load significantly, especially for the poor soul having to make 5 or more 
> different scripts for 5 packages from the same source tarball. Yes, it's nice 
> to have small packages for embedded stuff and small disks, but do you really 
> want to raise the workload of the maintainer that much?

It would also be folly to increase the maintainers load by naing him
reunite those multiple binary packages that are prooduced from one
source package.  We don't have the manpower for that economy!

-- hendrik
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