Hi Jaromil,

actually I was not replying to a technical question on systemd, that
was my other mail to the question of tilt! I replied to earlier.

You are right in that I should have known better than to get into this
thread. A bad case of https://xkcd.com/386/ :-)

Sorry, and now going to lurk-mode in earnest;-)

Best Regards,

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 12:31 AM, Tobias Hunger <tobias.hun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jaromil,
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> wrote:
>>>Hi Rainer, do you know that you are feeding a troll ?
>>>tobias.hun...@gmail.com appears to be a systemd developer
> I tend to send patches to open source projects that I get into contact
> with. It is a really annoying habit I picked up in that free software
> scene you might have heard of before.
> Yes, I have a hand full of tiny patches in systemd. Got a few more in
> firefox and a couple other places, but would still not call myself a
> mozilla developer.
>> if that is even a legitimate account,
> Yes.
> Did we get to the point where we need fake emails to follow up on free
> software projects now?
>> is he getting paid for his time spent here?
> Sure, I am going to buy a new villa with the millions of euros I make
> following a bunch of nerds doing yet another Linux distribution! Can
> you recommend a nice place with enough room to mount a 16t mind
> control ray on the roof?
>> I find it disturbing. systemd has plenty of avenues for propaganda in Linux 
>> related tradeshows and some very insisting, annoying and intrusive sorts of 
>> door-to-door sales people like Tobias.
> Seriously? I was answering to a direct technical question on systemd
> raised on this very list.
>> perhaps it should be more clear that they are not welcome here, especially 
>> if they look for another space to lecture on how systemd works better than 
>> other "lesser init systems".
> I personally try to understand code that I am going to remove from the
> projects I work on and for that reason I am happy to have some people
> around that actually are willing and able to answer questions on that
> code.
> If you prefer to muck around in the dark here, then I will heed that
> wish and lurk only.
> Best Regards,
> Tobias
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