Hi Edward,

Consider a double pointer like a matrix (in algebra) witch one you don't know its dimension a priori.

An example: put the case that we are developing an application witch calculates the inverse of a matrix of dimensions NxM. The values of N and M will be determinated by the user and they are unknown a priori. If so, we declare a doble pointer:

float **ptr;

The application asks to the user the values of of the number of files (N) and columns (M), and according to them it reserves the "necessary and sufficient" memory:

ptr = (float**) malloc(files* sizeof(float*);

      for (i=0; i<files; i++)

          ptr[i] = (float*) malloc(columns*sizeof(float));

Once the application has calculated the resulting inverse matrix MxN, we must delete the memory *manually*.


On 11/09/15 10:35, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Since yesterday I have been trying to understand why "char**
essid_list" is working inside getInstalledEssidList(&count,
essid_list) but failing as soon as I try to access essid_list[0]
outside the function.

Both the source and the gdb text output are attached.

Any helpful pointers are appreciated.

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