On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 04:57:15PM +0100, Simon Hobson wrote:
> k...@aspodata.se wrote:
> >> This is why you use UUID= or LABEL= in /etc/fstab.
> +1 for that. I use LABEL=, but it's annoying that Debian's grub-install 
> doesn't handle that (it only has options for device name or UUID).
> > Let's face it, thoose other names of the device is just symlinks
> Does that really matter ?
> If someone is needing to work at the device level, they they should know how 
> to determine the device name. But from the "system doesn't randomly break 
> itself" POV it's one way to deal with the issue.
> > ... after all, fstab and /dev/-names are just
> > for the user space. The kernel mostly only cares about the maj/min
> > numbers, or am I wrong?
> That's the case all along. The question is how to map those node IDs to 
> something human readable.

I seem to remember that a few years ago they started assigning some of 
the minor number dynamically.

-- hendrik
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