Hi Godefridus,

Here you are some packages:

- xinit xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-noveau, etc...

- rpl curl dselect console-data console-setup

- mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra

- compton (composite manager) --> I will share my config file

- bleachbit gtkorphan file-roller

- lxrandr lxtask xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl

- seahorse  searchmonkey

- vidalia

- wxmaxima (mathematics)

- Other editors:  emacs, medit, geany


On 07/10/15 11:00, Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr>  wrote:
Le 06/10/2015 19:07, Godefridus Daalmans a écrit :
>I just wanted to mention that I got an experimental Devuan jessie
>live-build to work with LXDE and lightdm and iceweasel.
>And amprolla seems to have lost the Contents-amd64.gz file so I had to
>make one.
>The only systemd components are udev and libudev1 (215-17+deb8u2)
>There's an annoying PolicyKit1 error at the beginning but otherwise it
>Thanks everyone who made this possible!
>I had to modify the live-build scripts quite a bit, which I'd like to
>upload. I haven't tested if they still work for Debian jessie.
>Another tip: after lb config, edit config/apt/preferences to add:
>Package: libpam-systemd
>Pin: release o=Debian
>Pin-Priority: -1
>It was a bit tricky to convince lightdm it didn't need systemd.
>If you'd like, you can e-mail me suggestions for what to include until
>1 DVD (4 Gb) is full, for a generic Devuan workstation.
>Version 0 has:
>- lxde-core
>- lxterminal
>- iceweasel
>- vim
>- xorg
>- locales
>- util-linux-locales
>- lightdm
>I'm probably going to put on it:
>- build-essential
>- linux-source and dkms
>- dpkg-dev
>- git
>- ssh
>- lvm2
>- mdadm
>- parted
>- gnu-fdisk
>- openssl
>- lynx
>- debianutils
>- debootstrap
>- xpdf
>- gnuplot (hey I like gnuplot)
>- libreoffice-writer
>- mondo and mindi, although they're in non-free due to the license of
>can you give me more suggestions?
      I can think of two things:

      - An editor for people uncomfortable with vi. emacs, or even
emacs23-nox would be fine.

      - A partitionner more user-friendly than parted or fdisk: gparted
if GUI is possible, or cfdisk, which has a simple curses interface. The
drawback of cfdisk is that it doesn't know GPT partitions tables.


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