* On 2015 31 Dec 14:53 -0600, Miles Fidelman wrote:

> YUP - made it very clear, and I basically agree with delineation.  I tend to
> agree with Steve re. when to use, and not use, package management (and with
> Joel's comment re. "checkinstall" making it easier to remove things
> later.

Another good reason to monitor lists like this.  I was unaware of or had
forgotten its existence.  I'll put it on my list of things to check for

That said, I doubt it is a tool I would use when developing anything.
There are too many iterations of 'make install' and 'make uninstall'.
BTW, if 'make uninstall' doesn't work, I'm sure that upstream would
appreciate a report.  I know I would.

> A follow-up question:  What, if anything, do you guys include in the way of
> init scripts?

None, as the projects I'm involved with don't require them.  There are
some suggestions for Hamlib for setting up symlinks to serial ports for
consistent naming with udev, but that is as far as it goes.  A DX
Cluster (a server system used by radio amateurs to report stations
contacted or heard) client program, Xdx, I maintain has no need of init
scripts as it is a GTK2 program.  The third that I am contributing to at
the moment, Tlf, is an amateur radio radio sport logging program that
uses Ncurses and it has no need for an init script.  All three are init
system agnostic.

> [My current observation is that systemd's biggest impact on my operation is
> that it kind of breaks some sysvinit scripts, and not a lot of people
> include systemd configs.  Hence, my aversion to updating my current Debian
> installation, and why I'm looking at Devuan and a few other options for my
> next, and overdue, major update to our production servers.]

ATM, my desktop and laptop are running Debian Jessie with SD simply due
to Xfce and PulseAudio.  Once those two are free of the SD lockin on
Devuan I will switch.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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