On 01/04/2016 08:39 AM, Mitt Green wrote:
> Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> >I want to point out, that TDE is very configurable (which cannot be said 
> >from GNOME 2/3),
> >and kmail is the best mail client with maildir support available.
> My personal problems with TDE:
> - it's a Qt DE;
> - it's ugly;
> - it's waaay too configurable, with own settings dialogue for pretty much 
> everything.
Gentoo lovers have already been using this patchset to keep GNOME 3 
systemd-less. It would be great to get an even larger part of the systemd-free 
community behind this project. I'd love to see Devuan GNOME 3 packages :)



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