...because of BlueZ 5 and Xfce.

Looks like those xfce4-volumed and xfce4-mixer are dropped *in favour*
of PulseAudio (as they say because of gstreamer).

Developers of BlueZ simply stopped supporting ALSA.

In other news, current branch has got 4.4 kernel, which, by the way, came
up only four days ago (remember, this is Slackware).

"Best of all, we're finally a modern, relevant Linux distro! ;-)"
Not sure, whether this is sarcasm or not, assuming their
package management system, lack of public repository, own forum
or a mailing list.

Fortunately, systemd is not mentioned there, thus its appearance
in 14.2 is unlikely, I reckon. And, fortunately, the way they manage
packages can't imply pushing people towards using systemd
or it's libraries.

The whole changelog for i386 is here:

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