2016-01-20 13:11 に David Kuehling さんは書きました:
Hi メット,

I haven't yet found the time to actually upgrade my Debian systems to
Devuan.  I didn even consider, that there are pitfalls around the input
method support, thanks for the info, it is good to be able to consider
these things in advance (I use japanese input myself).

My usual workaround for input-method related problems is to do
everything in Emacs.  Emacs has its own japanese input method built in
(M-x set-input-method <Ret> japanese <Ret>).  And there is also a
package that adds anthy support (apt-get install anthy-el; M-x
set-input-method <Ret> japanese-anthy <Ret>).

Downside is, you have to do all the writing in emacs.  Emacs' japanese
input support is one of the reasons I use Emacs/Gnus for writing mail.
Nice thing is, I can still properly write japanese texts, even from the
terminal when ssh-ing into my system.

I will have a look at these issues, once upgrading my system to Devuan.
Until then, please keep us posted about any progress you make.



"メット" == メット  <m...@pmars.jp> writes:

Hi dear list,

Thanks again for all the work u did on Dev1 and tell me if I can help
in anyway.

I followed devuanfanboy howto, removed dbus and installed fluxbox(was
under xfce b4)

Thing is Im using Japanese a lot and need anthy or similar.

I used to go with scim or ibus but it seems they both need dbus, even
the compiled version.

Was wondering if sby knew a non-dbus dependant IM or a way to
circumvent this.

Also, I had some luck w/ the pkged ibus version, and could write
Japanese despite the fact it complained about not finding dbus.
Problem then was I couldnt use Fluxbox, only the running
applications(tabbed and surf)were working.

Will take any pointers or advices, TIA.

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Hi David,

Thanks a lot for the advice. I didn't kow at all you could use emacs, and Im gonna look into it and check vi as well as I use it quite a lot.

Actually if you stay with Dbus, you won't meet those pitfalls I think.

Just I chose to try the full howto version, proposed by devuanfanboy; ie. to get rid of systemd, of course,
but also getting rid of Dbus as I like simplicity as well.

System is working perfectly and I installed it on a ProLiant DL320 G5p as well. Both are working perfectly.

One thing which is not directly related but you might bump into when Devuan-ing your system is keyboard layout. I have a Japanese keyboard layout and I couldn't find which was the proper keyboard to be set after upgrading
(everything got reversed to default I guess).

I mean Japanese keyboards seem to be IBM-M type(wikipedia) and they have 103 keys for generic ones(I actually counted mine). The app to choose your keyboard in De* does not have a choice for 103keys.

Im not sure what is related or not but the steps which worked for me(it's a laptop with an annoying number pad on the right, a stupidly small shift key on the right but a nice ctrl key down/completely left) were: 1/[dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration] and set to pc101 generic (actually I doubt this had any effect)
2/[vi /etc/default/keyboard] w/ the following settings :

 # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.

 XKBMODEL="pc103"   <---
 XKBLAYOUT="jp"     <---

3/[udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change]
4/[vi /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf] where I changed
5/[update-initramfs -u]

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