Steve Litt <> writes:
> On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:42:59 +0100
>> > And that begs the question: "Who is Karen Sandler?"
>> > 
>> >  
>> ..small fish, nice tits. ;o)
> The preceding half sentence is one example of something that should
> NEVER appear in any Devuan venue. Ever.
> A post like that is likely to anger half the world's population,

I was on and off thinking whether or not I should write someone about
this because it annoyed me but couldn't quite think of what. Since
someone else now did: Speaking on behalf of half of the population of
the world is a little hyped up (got that from a dictionary and have no
idea about its connotations), however, a comment like the original one
above is entirely appropriate when describing a would-be price cow on an
agricultural fair and quite out of place in any other context: It's a
piece of information about the person who wrote it nobody asked for (or
should be interested in or should be forced to take note of).

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