On 02/02/16 22:22, Didier Kryn wrote:
Le 02/02/2016 04:39, Simon Wise a écrit :
so looking at apt.conf I see as the very first text 'DESCRIPTION'

/etc/apt/apt.conf is the main configuration file shared by all
the tools in the APT suite of tools, though it is by no means
the only place options can be set. The suite also shares a
common command line parser to provide a uniform environment.

When an APT tool starts up it will read the configuration
files in the following order:

1. the file specified by the APT_CONFIG environment variable
(if any)

2. all files in Dir::Etc::Parts in alphanumeric ascending
order which have either no or "conf" as filename extension
and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-),
underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT
will print a notice that it has ignored a file, unless
that file matches a pattern in the
Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently configuration list - in which
case it will be silently ignored.

3. the main configuration file specified by Dir::Etc::main

4. the command line options are applied to override the
configuration directives or to load even more
configuration files.

Dir::Etc::Parts is in fact apt.conf.d/

as seen by going to the FILES section at the end of the manpage, either with a
search for Dir::Etc::Parts or because you know a FILES section usually exists:

APT configuration file. Configuration Item:

APT configuration file fragments. Configuration Item:

This is also in man apt.conf, but - call me an idiot - I still can't make sense
of it. What the hell is the meaning of the words 'Dir', 'Etc', 'Main' and
'Parts'? Why the hell do '::' translate to '/' ? What document did you learn
that "language" from?

yes, it was man apt.conf I was quoting, and the syntax that puzzles you is the one fully described in the rest of that manpage. The very next lines after the that overview are these:

       The configuration file is organized in a tree with options
       organized into functional groups. Option specification is
       given with a double colon notation; for instance
       APT::Get::Assume-Yes is an option within the APT tool group,
       for the Get tool. Options do not inherit from their parent

Between this brief outline and the FILES section repeating the crucial default values there are 800 or so lines detailing each of the many options that can be set in these 4 places ... including the two that have /etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ as default values. You are looking at the document that defines this syntax.

It is a very big, flexible configuration ... perhaps it should just dictate 'the one true way' much more and thus be simpler. Perhaps it grew like topsy and could have been more succinct, I don't know. Fortunately search works just fine in manpages, so the relevant definitions are easy to find. Examples are provided, if like me you often prefer them ... they are pointed to in the standard manpage way, at the end, the lines before the FILES section:

       /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz is a
       configuration file showing example values for all possible

Another point: I'd expect the configuration tool to provide a way to specify a
scope for any parameter setting, something which could, for example, restrict
the scope of the line 'APT::Install-Recommends "false";' to synaptic, eg simply
'SYNAPTIC::Install-Recommends "false";'

Maybe, since Synaptic is a front-end to apt, the rationale is it is also
intended to tune apt proper. I admit it makes sense. It's imperfect because the
setting is lost if you purge synaptic but nothing can be perfect.

... this is apt. It is being used by Synaptic as a backend, Synaptic calls it not the other way round. Apt knows nothing of Synaptic. Apt does not know if it was Synaptic that called it or some other app or the user.

Synaptic has installed a change to the usual apt default. I gather that this is because it has a GUI option offered to set this. It is a good thing that Synaptic sets this in this place, overriding any other defaults but not the manual config file that someone would add if they wanted to configure apt directly. The placement as 99synaptic and the slightly rude neglect of comments is perhaps because the GUI developers assumed their users installed it exactly because they did not want to look at configuration files, manpages or this syntax ever again if they could avoid it. That is why they offer GUI options to change apt defaults, and try to override all other packages doing the same by using 99.

Appropriately /etc/apt/apt.conf, which is that file anyone wishing to add their own configuration for apt would add, is 3/ in the above list ... that is it overrides any of the defaults added by any packages, including synaptics GUI thingy. 4/ is the command line so it overrides all the rest, as it should.


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