On 04/16/2016 01:22 PM, aitor_czr wrote:
> I'm advancing with simple-netaid-gtk3. You can download the following
> video:
> wget http://gnuinos.org/simple-netaid-gtk3/snetaid
I'd be game to try it.

1] What are its design goals, and what deficiency in other options (eg
package 'wi-cd') is it trying to address?

2] Is there a packaged version? Is it expecting an entry in sources.list
other than the devuan default?

3] In terms of building from sources, what I see is a zip download of a
git repo at:


which is identified as a "Graphical interface in Gtk3 for the backend of

Is the backend none other than your own 'netman' at:


or the 'simple-netaid' at:


or Edward Bartolo's 'simple-netaid' at:


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