Dear All,

I have been using Devuan (upgraded from wheezy) for several months on my
desktop PC:

I am using XFCE as Desktop environment.
I use Gimp and imageJ for the occasional image manipulation work.
Keeping chrome open with dozens of tabs, toying with HTML and Javascript
I use an USB audio device (with pulseaudio from angband[?]).
LVM on a fast SSD and software RAID on big spinning disks for archives
(photos,music,movies, etc.).
I have never had any problem (except just after the upgrade due to removal
of Gnome, easily solved).

I have a small Home server also running since shortly after my PC upgrade:

NFS sharing, Minecraft server for me and few friends, a virtualbox virtual
machine (I know...., I am lazy....) running a webserver also on Devuan.
Sometimes I start an X server with i3 WM.
Software raid
Also never had any problem!
Uptime of months! (very low load though).

All of the above obviously SystemD free:
Devuan is fantastic!

I hope my showcase of uses helps people to abandon the dark side!


On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 4:15 PM, メット <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> On 2016年4月17日 10:00:44 JST, Steve Litt <> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> [snipped]
>  I figure maybe if he heard a few of your use cases, he
> >might feel more confident about his future in Linux. Please copy
> >Patrick in your replies.
> >
> >SteveT
> >
> >============================================================
> >Much to my regret (and others, too, I'm sure), yesterday, on 15 April
> >2016, the beginning of the end began for Wheezy. Google, as announced
> >
> >[snipped by Steve Litt]
> >
> >Well, at least I have time to look for an alternative. Maybe, Devuan
> >will be viable by then, but I doubt it.  Or Debian will offer a choice
> >of inits as a standard option during installs on future releases, but I
> >very much doubt it.
> >_____________________________________
> Hi,
> Using devuan on prod server here as well
> (proliant xeon, apache 2.4, mariadb, postfix dovecot, gdns, fail2ban,
> vsftpd, asterisk)
> I event went hc and tried the non-dbus stuff on laptop
> Working as a charm and im not a programmer...
> Just had to change from ibus-anthy to emacs for japanese ime(laptop).
> Dev1 saved my freedom, i hope i can contribute one day.
> Version: APG v1.1.1
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> =qyIb
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