On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 05:41:18PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * On 2016 29 Apr 16:53 -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> > Let me see if I understand you correctly. the package firmware-iwlwifi
> > is not open software, and so is not available from the devuan package
> > archive. So
> > 
> >   a) The sources.list line
> >   deb http://packages.devuan.org/merged jessie main non-free contrib
> >   should not have non-free appended because devuan does not support
> >   non-free packages.
> I just posted a message to another thread where I have my sources.list
> set as:
> deb http://packages.devuan.org/merged jessie main contrib non-free

My line is the same:

  deb http://packages.devuan.org/merged jessie main non-free contrib
> and firmware-iwlwifi is not shown to be in the obsolete and locally
> installed packages section in Aptitude CUI which tells me that it is
> in the list of available packages.

Indeed, it is now present. 

> >   c) The same for task-mail-server, which apparently has some
> >   non-free drivers. Is this why it is absent? I had to install the
> >   obvious applications such as exim4, procmail, mutt, spamassassin,
> >   individually.

  # aptitude show task-mail-server
  E: Unable to locate package task-mail-server

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