BTW, I've already read the other followups and you have a legitimate
question, Hendrik.  Here is my 2 cents and why I'm using NM.

* On 2016 01 May 18:58 -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:

> I use wicd instead of Network Manager, in devan jessie.  I don't know 
> if it will talk to your phone over USB, but might it be worth a try?

I used to be a big fan of WiCD.  Then it had times when it would refuse
to connect to one of my APs and would require a second try.  I used to
disparage NM every chance I got (the Linux Today archives will likely
have some rants), but it became fixed and a useful tool.  So useful that
using my laptop would be much less handy without it these days.

I know, I would probably be better off doing everything it does by
hand.  That said there is something very nice about opening the lid and
by the time I enter my password to unlock Xscreensaver, NM has the
network configured on my AP.  I don't have an issue with a program that
does what it is supposed to do reliably and with repeat-ability.  For my
use case NM meets that criteria.  Others have matured NM and the version
in Jessie works very well *for me*.

Sorry for the tangential remarks.

I hope it's possible for libpam to be packaged without the systemd

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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