On 03/05/16 17:24, Didier Kryn wrote:
Le 03/05/2016 08:51, Mitt Green a écrit :
The current init system is old. Ancient.
We should all agree on it. Devuan is looking
for a new init system that is not systemd and my
personal choice for this task from now on is
Gentoo's OpenRC.
Unix is old. Ancient. We should all agree on it.
Devuan is looking for a new base system that
is not Unix and my personal choice for this
task from now is Microsoft's Windows.

     Debian-potato was systemd-free. OK it's old now, but still less
than Unix. Why not still use it? No need for Devuan.

I am still using it in several locations, but for net connected systems security updates are nice.

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