On Tue, 2016-05-17 at 13:38 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 09:27:43PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > I sincerely wish the remedy of installing openrc and pinning systemd
> > > would work, but I'm sure it won't on the mid-long term.
> > It obviously can't. The same Debian leadership who voted "no" (or was
> > it "we don't need no steenkin GR") on supporting multiple inits now
> > determines whether the OpenRC package is maintained or not. That's no
> > foundation on which to build init choice freedom.
> Thoroughly no!  Please don't spread such misconceptions -- it's voicing such
> views that brings the most ammunition to the pro-systemd faction.
> Openrc is undermaintained in Debian not because of some cabal, but because
> of manpower issues: no one does real work on it currently, and its listed
> maintainers are hardly active.

I'm listed as a co-maintainer of openrc (as well as ifupdown). However, due to
the hostile environment in Debian I'm reluctant to do any serious work on these
packages, except contributing to RC bugs being solved, to keep them in testing.

> True, systemd-related changes (like, in init-system-helpers) do add to this
> burden, but that's not different from, say, burden on libpng using packages
> caused by the png12->png16 migration.  This is a good part of maintainer's
> duties.  You can't really blame the additional work for failures when even
> the basic work isn't done.

In my opinion the usage of init-system-helpers is wrong, why not use the package
update system already available: update-alternatives? See also dpkg-divert.
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