On Tue, 24 May 2016 14:25:09 +0200, Emninger wrote:
> Am Tue, 24 May 2016 07:27:11 +0000
> Irrwahn <irrw...@freenet.de> wrote::
>> I tried that a few days ago, and got some ... umm ... 
>> "interesting" results. I just tried that again on a clean 
>> VM install (dropped a one-liner for ~/.xsessionrc) and at 
>> first it did indeed look better. However, after exiting from 
>> jwm immediately the (default) lxde session came up, and I 
>> had to in turn log out of that to return to the DM (lightdm 
>> or slim, either one).
>> On second thought that's not surprising, so I added exit 0 
>> to .xsessionrc, e viola: exiting from jwm dropped me back 
>> to the DM. *However*, I am not entirely convinced that 
>> method has no other drawbacks besides the obvious flaw that 
>> I now can no longer log into another session type by 
>> selecting it in the display manger. Clearly more hacking 
>> is needed here! And all that just to keep a deprecated, 
>> broken display manager. But, oh well! :P
> That's interesting: Just guessing in the dark (me, eh, not you capable
> persons!) there might be also my problem with the logout (which happens
> from time to time). Apparently, it looks like the logout does not get
> to an X process resting blocked there. So, i tried your "exit 0".
> Now, i wanted to ask - a probably very dumb question:
> .xsessionrc or .xinitrc (what's difference? .xinitrc is used/needed to
> do "startx" (i.e. start X without a login manager), correct? How otoh i
> would make slim point to .xsessionrc ?

I did'n have to do anything special in my installation. 
Just create-edited .xsessionrc, logged out and in again, 
that was it. So, beats me.

> Just to try i edited both identically:
> ---
> #!/bin/bash
> xrdb -merge .Xresources
> setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
> exec jwm 
> exit 0
> ---

Works for me, except no .Xresources here, so I dropped that line.

> It seems to work for starting X via startx. For slim i would have to
> change the login command this way:
> login_cmd           exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc
> ?

Why would you have to? I'm getting more confused by the minute. :o

> @ Irrwahn: Your keyboard setting to have the forced break of an
> xsession seems to not be respected though (?)

Checked with your above script. Again, works for me: C-M-BS 
kills X server dead instantly.

> What am i doing wrong? Or, might there be an alternative to set that
> keyboard command in the startup of JWM? I looked into the startup of my
> old fluxbox/crunchbang desktop and there i have:
> ----
> # Only run fbxkb when there are more than 1 available layouts
> setxkbmap -query | grep "^layout:" | sed "s/^layout: *//" | \
>       grep -q "," && [ -x /usr/bin/fbxkb ] && fbxkb &
> ----
> Would that be, ceteris paribus, transposable, in some way, to jwm
> to have the Ctrl+Alt+Bksp... (?)

I don't even …. I simply fail to imagine what you might have 
done to your system to make it break so badly. Maybe something 
in your $HOME, pulled in from your previous installation, e.g. 
in your .Xresources? *Did you try it with an alternative, clean 
user account?*

Maybe unrelated, just mentioning it for the sake of completeness: 
xmodmap and setxkbmap don't play together nicely, cancelling 
out each others changes! (Anecdotal evidence, I cannot explain 
the real reason for this.)

Bottom line: I am totally at a loss. Sorry! :S


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