Dear Devuaners,

a new release of the Unofficial Devuan Minimal Live Images is
available. You get more or less the same stuff you had on the previous
release, namely: minimal disk footprint (about 256 MB); minimal RAM
requirements (64MB on i386, 74MB on amd64); a full-monty console
desktop experience, with support for networking, personal
productivity, multimedia, and games.

The major changes are listed below:

- we have now a proper ANSI C compiler (tcc), libc6-dev, and
  manpages-dev. There has never been a proper unix system, however
  tiny, shipped without a C compiler...

- I added debootstrap, which might be useful in many situations;

- I added two boot options (nofb-toram and hires-toram) which load the
  squashfs into ram, if possibile. Thanks to jaromil and fsmithred for
  the suggestion;

- I replaced mp3blaster (which apparently was not working properly in
  some cases) with moc;

- I added a simple wpa_supplicant.conf file which should allow anybody
  with basic knowledge of wpa_cli to setup wifi network access without

As usual, you find the last images at:

I have personally tested the i386 image on an Atom-based 8-years-old
netbook (1GB ram) for a few days, performing "routine" stuff
(inlcuding some gaming), and it works absolutely fine.

I am now working more on the accessibility side for the next
release. I wrote a small (bash) daemon which provides audible feedback
during system boot and shutdown (it is not yet installed in the
current images), and I am working to provide an "accessible runlevel"
which makes easier some configuration steps. I am also in contact with
people in the [1] Linux-Speakup project, who are providing very useful
feedback on this important aspect.

The code I used to create the images can be downloaded from the gitlab

As usual, comments, suggestions, and critics are welcome. 




[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] -- -- ]
[ GNU/Linux User:#325780/ICQ UIN: #258332181/GPG key ID 0B5F062F ]
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