On Fri, 8 Jul 2016 16:34:27 +0900, Simon wrote in message 

> On 07/08/2016 09:23 AM, Hughe Chung wrote:
> >
> > Who was the organizer of the conference? How they allowed frequent
> > interruption by the idiot during the presentation?
> >
> > It was a real video footage. A drunken idiot went to the stage at
> > the end of presentation carrying a bear bottle on one hand.
> >
> > I posted the video link to other FOSS forum.
> >
> > Action outweighs thousands words of the person. The time will tell
> > how much damage would systemd cause on FOSS ecosphere overall. Empty
> > promises of systemd.
> Absolutely. Lennart's attitude of "it's free, so don't complain" and
> "no one is forcing you to use it" is deceptive. If I make a
> calculator and release it under an open source license, I might be
> able to use that line. You can't have that attitude when you are
> making (what should be) inter-operable components of an operating
> system. He continually commits logical fallacies and says "You should
> know..." He seems very snobby. The beer part was over the top. They
> should have never given him a microphone. He's obviously a bully and
> therefore insecure. He has something to prove.
> This is why I am horrified. The Debian Technical Committee let 
> themselves be bullied and by doing so have proven that they cannot be 
> trusted to protect our freedom. You would think that Michael Tiemann 
> would speak out, but I guess he has to be careful with his meal
> ticket. Shall we make a web site that documents sellouts in the tech
> industry? I think "name and shame" is appropriate with this level of
> depravity. If we can't trust them, word should get out the their
> opinions are bought.
> That is my free opinion ;)

..this clearly is where we could have used a http://groklaw.net/ 
style website.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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