On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:05:44 -0700
Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Steve Litt (sl...@troubleshooters.com):
> > Deeeuuuuude, that's not what you're saying over on SVLUG. I quote:
> > 
> > * Far as I can tell, Devuan was a operatic overreaction, and by no
> > means the most efficient way to deal with the problem. 
> > 
> > * "Nor did it merit a fork, IMO."
> > 
> > * "The whole forking thing seemed like gratuitous drama, really.
> > Just my opinion."  
> This doesn't contradict what I said, in any way -- and, for some
> reason, you are choosing not to quote the bits where I _specifically
> said_ on the SVLUG list that I think Devuan's work is valuable and
> that I appreciate it (which I also said in my Web page).
> Moreover, Jaromir has known me as a fan of Devuan for a lot longer
> than you've been in contact with me.
> I would accordingly appreciate your prompt and full public apology.

In lieu of the apology I'll post links to the emails from which I took
those quotes, so all interested can see their context in the email and
in the thread:

http://lists.svlug.org/archives/svlug/2016-July/062102.html : Rick's
quotes about gratuitous drama and lack of merit

http://lists.svlug.org/archives/svlug/2016-July/062085.html : Rick's
quote about Devuan being an "Operatic overreaction"

Anyone interested in the thread as a whole can sort by subject or

Steve Litt 
July 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist
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