Quoting Simon Hobson (li...@thehobsons.co.uk):

> You didn't read what I wrote did you ?

I most certainly did.  And I make no apologies for mildly mocking you
for speaking about a 'trojan', as that was patently ridiculous, and you
know it.

> It may be "inert" now - well actually it isn't completely inert if
> it's being called by packages with gratuitous dependencies on it* -

'Doing' something that is functionally indistinguishable from doing
nothing.  And a '000' rights mask would be fully effective paranoia

> but as I said, there is zero guarantee that it won't remain "inert"
> forever. 

Are you capable of preventing the installation of package systemd?  I
am.  Thus, libsystemd0 does, in end-result, nothing.

But this is basically you doing a 'I don't like it' performance piece.

> I only ask that you respect my viewpoint.

I'll do that if you cease shading the truth.  It's tiresome.  And it's
possible less-wary readers might be mislead, which would make me sad.

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