On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 06:43:36AM +0200, Edward Bartolo wrote:


> Your intention is glaringly clear: you are not sincere, you are a dumb
> liar and must be treated like one. What counts is feedback from those
> who want to really help.
> You made my day, ROFLMAO!
> Next one, please!

Edward, if you keep reacting like that, I think that you will hardly
find anybody else willing to give you any feedback at all. Or to read
your emails, for that matter...



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
[       @)   http://kalos.mine.nu ---  Devuan GNU + Linux User  ]
[     @@)  http://maths.qmul.ac.uk/~vnicosia --  GPG: 0B5F062F  ] 
[ (@@@)  Twitter: @KatolaZ - skype: katolaz -- github: KatolaZ  ]
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