Hi Golinux,

On 07/24/2016 10:08 AM, <emnin...@riseup.net>  wrote:
Am Sat, 23 Jul 2016 19:32:34 +0000
schrieb Go Linux<goli...@yahoo.com>:

>Vertex messes with the size and spacing on the panel icons too.  And
>the white inactive titlebar is just too gtk3ish for my taste. It
>blends with the white BG on pages so I have a hard time finding where
>the apps are on the page.  I also see macish circle control buttons
>on the pdf reader. UGH! And the PDF reader slider is about 1/8 inch
>wide.  That's got to be a gtk3 "improvement".  There is also some
>blue around check-box choices.  And I just noticed that the input bar
>on xchat is now dark green
As far as i see, i do not have those problems with vertex (but i use
vertex-dark!). May be that's due to the fact, i use JWM (?). For
sure, Vertex has problems with gtk3 but as far as i see they are less
than others (Clearlook for example!)

I do not find Xchat, but in Hexchat, my input line is dark, with white
foreground (fonts) - as i would expect it, using a dark theme.

The pdf reader slider's wide is inherent to the application. Surelly, it will happen also with other applications like file-roller and some pop-up windows. They are prefabricated tools (probably in PyGtk), developed for gnome. And their appearance is horrible independently of the used gtk-theme.

Nonetheless, there is no solution for that, just make it less ugly :(

However, the circle control buttons can be customized :) They are located in gtk-3.0/assets:




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