On 29-07-16 21:39, Jaromil wrote:

I think most people clashing with Rick here may want to stop for a
moment and realise Devuan does not need fan-boys, converted people or
preachers as much as critical and constructive minds that go across
all what we are doing and, besides encouraging it, also envisions
flaws and limits. This is what we always need to encourage if we don't
want to end up like Debian today. The capacity to listen to critical
postures is what makes us different from the dynamics surrounding the
systemd avalanche.

Rick is a seasoned contributor to all sorts of good developments in
gnu/linux world, he is provocative and witty, definitely not a

Your "definitely not" is not mine. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck it probably is a duck.
So i will take him for a troll until the opposite has been proven.



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