Greetings everyone.

This is just a heads up, GNU has had a few changes floating around for a
while, and it looks like they are finally making it into distributions.

Currently, only Fedora is affected (which I doubt anyone here uses),
but it is possible that these changes will make it to Debian as well.

Attached is a copy of one user's thoughts on the `ls` command.

I'm not sure on the specifics of the change, but for most scripted uses
you would probably pass it the `-1` flag anyway.

If it doesn't list one file per line anymore, that could be quite
serious: we would need to use `dir` instead of `ls`!
That's a whole extra keystroke!

If the changes turn out to be serious, you might want to try's version. (I believe it is called "sutils" and "putils", I
can confirm that they work.)

----- Forwarded message from Mark Clarkson <> -----

Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2016 17:16:29 +0100
From: Mark Clarkson <>
Subject: ls output changed !!

This change nearly gave me a heart attack - do you want that on your
conscience? hmm?

Now we'll have to wait months after you change it back for the change
to make it back into Fedora.

I really can't believe someone would make a change like this to a core
utility - I was stunned. For a brief moment I thought I'd been hacked.
Please don't do stuff like that without saying first. I mean it should
really be coded into the boot loader, yep, put it in grub so you can't
even start the OS without out typing, 'I understand that ls output has
changed and it will be shocking'.

Please put it back ASAP. Thank you.

Mark Clarkson

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