On 08/11/2016 07:13 PM, richard lucassen <mailingli...@lucassen.org> wrote:
> >I'm talking about e.g. /dev/ttyS0. After a boot it looks like:
> >
> >crw-------  1 root root      4,  64 Aug 11 11:32 ttyS0
> >
> >After a manual restart of vdev it is what it should be:
> >
> >crw-rw----  1 root dialout   4,  64 Aug 11 11:32 ttyS0
> >
> >$ cat /etc/vdev/actions/ttyS.act
> >[vdev-action]
> >event=add
> >path=^ttyS[0-9]+$
> >helper=permissions.sh
> >
> >This action is NOT executed during boot, but after a manual restart
> >it is executed. So: what is your ownership/permission of /dev/ttyS0
> >after a reboot? And how does it look like when you restart vdevd?
> >Do you see the same phenomena?
> >
> >R.
>Ok, thanks:)
You're welcome. But do you see the same phenomena?;-)

Piano, piano :)

Tomorrow i'll compare both cases.


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