Hi List,

I have keyboard mappings that run when I start X:

$ cat ~/bin/initkb 

        # Use CapsLock as Ctrl, allow Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace to kill X server
        setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

        # Don't beep
        xset b off

        # Disable PrintScreen (by mapping it to BackSpace)
        xmodmap -e 'keysym Print = BackSpace'

I notice that after a while, the Caps->Ctrl mapping for the
external keyboard is lost, which I reset by running the
above script. 

I tried using cron for this, but the commands need
to be executed in an X environment, which cron
doesn't provide. 

I suppose I can trigger it periodically from a script running
in a terminal. I would also like to find out what is
modifying my X keyboard settings.

It's always been that if I disconnect and reconnect an
external keyboard keyboard, the mappings will be lost. That
is reported in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/287215

In my case, the loss occurs even without physical
disconnection.  Perhaps some other initialization event is 
reoccurring?  Could udev be to blame? Xorg?

FWIW, I run devuan/jessie with i3 window manager, urxvt with
Gnu screen.

Interesting that it only affects the external keyboard, and
not the laptop's (T430's) built-in keyboard. 

Any ideas?


Joel Roth

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