On Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:55:35 -0600
goli...@dyne.org wrote:

> On 2016-11-08 13:55, Jaromil wrote:
> > 
> > I also very much appreciate the talk.devuan.org documentation
> > platform and it is true that's better communicated as such, rather
> > than a forum 
> Agreed.  This is a much better description of it's purpose.


Brainstorming is best done on email, always assuming the participants
trim properly and interleave post.

The final documentation should be done on something more permanent,
based on the back-and forth in email. The talk.devuan.org would be a
great place to put the finished docs. My problem with talk.devuan.org
is when I used it for brainstorming. I couldn't tell who wrote what
when, and it ended up a mixed up jumble instead of good documentation.


Steve Litt 
November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
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