
In Devuan Jessie, xfce4-power-manager is not (easily) installable because 
depends of upower (< 0.99.2) but Devuan's upower version number is 
1:0.9.23-2+devuan1.2 while Debian Jessie 's upower version number is 
0.99.1-3.2. I am not clear on Devuan's strategy of changing version naming, for 
example angband.pl repo's upower version is 0.99.1-really-0.9.23-2-0.nosystemd0 
in order to avoid it. I could pinning to angband.pl onto Devuan repo, but I 
suggests that this type of package re-versioning is reconsidered to avoid 
dependency conflicts.
Thanks for your work!

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