On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 10:47:00PM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> Il 08/03/2017 18:33, goli...@dyne.org ha scritto:
> > This is a follow up to this old thread:
> > https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20161002.124357.7c39d049.en.html
> >
> > According to this post on FDN -
> > http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?p=638632#p638632 - the hard
> > pulseaudio requirement has now been implemented:
> >
> > "From Firefox 52 onwards, pulseaudio is a hard requirement for sound
> > on linux. Alsa is unsupported and alsa code will be removed in Firefox
> > 54." (from - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.c ... 47056#c178 )
> >
> > So heads up that Devuan might need recompile FF for alsa if Debian
> > does not.  Of course, the blowback for going down this road could yet
> > change Mozilla's mind.  Yeah, right . . .
> >
> > Or maybe another viable alternative will miraculously appear . . .
> >
> > golinux
>   I was about to write a similar message, as I just found out about the
> new "feature" the hard way.
> In the short term I think I'm going to switch to midori.

I haven't gotten midori to work in a satisfying way.
There are a few sticking points:

How do you import bookmarks from firefox?

How, when you get a directory listing from a directory on your own 
hard drive, do you get it sorted in some kind of sensible order?  
Exploring my own file system in the browser is a pain without this.

Where is the documentation?  Is there any?  Is there even a mailing 
list?  Or a user forum?  Raising questions on the github site just 
gets me an offputting uninformative reply.

-- hendrik

> I read about this change in several places, Arch and Gentoo have builds
> that re-enable Alsa.

Can we use the fruits of their expertise?

-- hendrik

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