Hi all,

I've just finished an extensive and complete document on installing,
modifying and using the Surf browser, and judging from yesterday's
biggest thread, not a moment too soon.

You can see the doc here:  http://troubleshooters.com/linux/surf.htm

With this document, you can make an incredibly stable and lightweight
browser for general purpose browsing, and save the hogs (Chromium,
Firefox, Palemoon, and qupzilla) for those few things that won't work
with Surf.

This browser works great for anyone who:

1) Isn't afraid to run the make command after editing a
   self-explanatory file

2) Doesn't prioritize pretty to the exclusion of functionality

3) Is willing to change the way [s]he works just a little

Hey, don't get me wrong: I still use Chromium for Google maps (Google
put Halloween code in Google Maps to favor Chromium), financial
transactions, and youtube videos with addresses starting with youtu.be,
but by using Surf for the vast majority of my work, I prevent Chromium
from dragging my computer down in the quicksand.


Steve Litt 
February 2017 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
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