On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 04:57:15PM +0000, KatolaZ wrote:
> debian-user is a mailing list of debian users. I am not a debian user
> any more, and I was not on that list even when I was a Debian user
> (and it was for about 15 years). So why on Earth should I now go there
> and shout loud at their faces that I think they got it all wrong?
> Again, to what avail?

Shouting at Debian-user is not likely to be useful.  What is important 
is making sure the upstream developers, from which Debian and 
nonDebian alike get their software, be aware that they will lose 
many if they irrevocably systemd-ize their software.  Make it plain 
that, at the very least, their users should be able to turn systemd 
dependency off.

I'm not sure what would be the proper forum for this.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

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