On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 06:09:34PM -0300, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> 3 Removing The Failed Disk
> To remove /dev/sdb, we will mark /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 as failed and remove 
> them from their respective RAID arrays (/dev/md0 and /dev/md1).

Possibly too late.  My defective RAID partitions are on a drive that 
is already not physically connected to the machine.  That's the 
problem I'm trying to solve *safely*.

> First we mark /dev/sdb1 as failed:
>       mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdb1

mdadm is already aware that its other disk has failed.  It's 
physically absent.


> Then power down the system:
>       shutdown -h now
> and replace the old /dev/sdb hard drive with a new one

I deeply believe it's the connection -- the interface and the cabling 
-- that is defective and not the hard drive.  I have alredy provided a 
new drive in this slot only to have problems recur with the new drive.
So I figure that it's probably not the drive, so the new drive will 
*be* the old one.

I plan to conect it by rearranging the cablng so the drive is 
connected with a different cable to a different interface and a 
different power connector.
Once I get it connected again,  the worry will be that 
the file systems on the now-disconected drive will fool the boot 
process into booting from it instead of the up-to-date drive.

Maybe I have to wipe the disk clean before reinstalling it.  Which 
I'll probably have to do on a different machine.

Or is it enough tto scramble the UUIDs of the file systems and to 
erase the RAI signatures?  Or use DD to empty the partitions?  Will dd 
to a partition erase the UUID of its file system?  And the RAID 

> (it must have at least the same size as the old one 
> if it's only a few MB smaller than the old one then rebuilding the 
> arrays will fail).
> 4 Adding The New Hard Disk
> After you have changed the hard disk /dev/sdb, boot the system.

Once I's at this stage, with a clean second drive, I know how to 
proceed from here.

-- hendrik
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