Hi all,

Recently I've updated my Debian Jessie installation to Devuan 1.0rc2.
So far I've found and fixed the following issues:
 * Source packages not rebuilt not drop systemd dependency:
   * apt-cacher-ng
   * gvfs
   * light-locker
   * sane-backends (binary package sane-utils among them)
 * Source packages not rebuilt against upower 0.9.23:
   * xfce4-power-manager
   * xfce4-systemload-plugin

The last 2 were built against upower 0.99 so they had dependency on
libupower-glib3 instead of libupower-glib1 and
xfce4-power-manager-plugin (built from xfce4-power-manager) wasn't
updating power status.

These packages are fixed in my repositories (as git.devuan.org is very
unstable I made then on github), please import them to Devuan:
 * https://github.com/375gnu/xfce4-power-manager
 * https://github.com/375gnu/xfce4-systemload-plugin
 * https://github.com/375gnu/sane-backends
 * https://github.com/375gnu/apt-cacher-ng
 * https://github.com/375gnu/gvfs
 * https://github.com/375gnu/light-locker

Another big issue is that xfce was unable to control pc power
(suspend, hibernate, reboot, shutdown). As a workaround, I've put the
following into 
== cut ==
[Re-enable suspend and hibernate by default]
== cut ==
But this issue needs investigation, but I'm not a policykit/dbus expert.

Tiny issues noticed:
  * cgmanager is outdated a bit (one revision);
  * it's good to have login-background.svg in desktop-base as
lightdm-gtk-greeter wants it.
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