On Sat, 17 Jun 2017 03:39:28 +0200
Dragan FOSS <dragan.f...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 17.06.2017. 03:09, Gary Olzeke wrote:
> > and XFCE is Devuan's initial Desktop too!  
> Hm? Currently, I'm using GNOME 3 ;>

Are     you     nuts     ?


Gnome3 and systemd are long time lovers in the tightest and most
entangled embrace possible.

The fact that you're technically competent enough to pull this off
doesn't change the fact that you're excusing the Gnome project for the
horrible design decisions they've made.

You mentioned catching cancer early in another post. Gnome3 is an 80
pound malignant tumor. Cut that puppy out and switch to LXDE or LxQt
plus dmenu, and leave all relationship between GOSFUI
(http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/gosfui.htm) and init system


Steve Litt 
June 2017 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
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