Quoting Steve Litt (sl...@troubleshooters.com):

> Does Post Office work properly with IMAP? 

http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Mail/muas.html says yes.  (But I don't know if
I'd trust the guy who maintains that Web page.  He's Scandinavian, and
my Tante Bjorg sternly warned me to never trust them.)

> What is toggletree?

No clue.  Read the source?

I don't want to temper your ardour, but don't expect _too_ much of a
graphical X11 application that has been orphaned for 14 years.  As
somebody -- Yogi Berra, Simone Signoret, Peter De Vries, some unknown
long-ago wit -- said, 'Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.'
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