On 170630-13:16-0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 14:20:08 +0000
> Miroslav Rovis <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
> > On 170629-19:34-0400, zap wrote:
> > > not really complaining for the most part. But I am curious that's
> > > all.  
> > I wish I knew better, but, for a simple question of mine today (see
> > my other email of today, and the links to dev1galaxy.org post of
> > mine) I only after some time waiting got a reply...
> Would it be possible for you to install OpenRC from upstream source? I
> know that's easily doable with runit or s6, but I know little about
> OpenRC.
Not without extended work. I'm still using Palemoon that I compiled a month and
ten days ago, and grsec-kernel a month and twenty days ago.

Those really need updating... 

And on top of that, I have these months been so unimaginative to, regardless of
knowing well previously about it (I even wrote about it for newbies on grsec
forums), only today remembered I could use corsac's grsec-kernel packages
How to install TorBrowser in Ascii? NOT from Stretch backports!

And I have been trying to fix:
xserver won't start with ATI (AMD) card with xserver-org 1.19.3-1
for some two or three days now... And am nowhere near any solutions..

I can compile things, and more, but it's extended, prolonged, slow work, as I
have to figure out for real, for myself, lots of details about how to do it...

I've only been using OpenRC, not at all modifying it (i.e. developing in any
way), but the compilations in Gentoo are kind of automatic. It's just emerge
<this-or-that>. It takes horrible time in comparison to apt-installing, and is
probably easier for patching packages, or modifying them, then in Devuan, but
as far as more advanced usage, the mere compiling with emerge does not teach a
user so very much... Well it does teach you, because you often stand by and
watch... but not soo very much... :)

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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