On 2017-07-03 18:13, Gionni FireGarden wrote:
hi all!
by now we don't have a place like packages.debian.org [1] or
packages.ubuntu.com [2] so i create with a friend a PoC for that.
We work on this idea just two nights, after work: it's really a
primitive Proof of Concept so please be merciful [gh], but we are
improving day by day.
The system is composed by a python parser job that import all packages
info from apt lists files into a mariadb and a bit of php to render
that on web.
No framework used, no ORM: we create little libs for db and templating
[to avoid spaghetti code], very KISS & DRY so it will be easy mantain
this code... i hope :D

you can find what we have done here
http://devuanpackages.viralds.it [3]

do you like the idea? and this primitive implementation?
if you have any hints or suggests or bad words: we are here :)

thanks to all for the great work with devuan.


[1] http://packages.debian.org
[2] http://packages.ubuntu.com
[3] http://devuanpackages.viralds.it

I heard that this was in the works. Yes, it is much needed. But I don't see it as part of the main website. IMO, it would be better to have that DB on a separate site with its own url (good for search engines) that could be linked to from devuan.org and other Devuan related sites. I would also vote for a sparser, more compact look with the nav bar linking to various aspects of the DB structure.


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