Quoting Miroslav Rovis (miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr):

> It's good that you linked to it. May need testing.

As per usual.  ;->

> And is good advice to GNU/Linux users to try it.

I particularly wanted to encourage users to conduct this and similar
experiments _in virtual machines_.  Probably most people have the same
aversion I do to touching the core of a system, after the embarrassment
and trauma of making an entire real system unbootable because of one
little tweak to the bootloader or similar component.  I figure any
longime *nix person has that reflexive reaction of 'Don't touch it.
It's not broken.'  _So_, it's helpful to point out that appropriate use
of VM technology lets you carry out potentially destabilising procedures
and revert to a checkpointed VM state if it doesn't work out.  (It
emboldens, you see.)

> And because it might turn out just great tool in the
> hands of our camp: the non-poetterware, non-lendows, no systemDestruction pure
> time-honored u*nix GNU/Linux camp. With OpenRC, they can't say anything is
> obsolete, antiquated, overly complex, non-developed... I will shine in
> comparison to systemd. And users will like it.

Some will.  À chacun son goût,

(Johann Strauss II war sehr international, aber sein französisch war
nicht sehr gut.)

(Bitte entschuldige ich meine schlechte Kenntnis der deutschen Sprache.)

> Look, that page of yours
> https://linuxmafia.com/faq/Debian/openrc-conversion.html
> is great,

You are too kind.

(Previše ste ljubazni.  ;->  )

> Regards!
> -- 
> Miroslav Rovis

Med vennlig hilsen,
Rick M.

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