On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 18:55:21 +0000
Miroslav Rovis <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:

> On 170716-13:18-0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 15:59:35 +0000
> > Miroslav Rovis <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
> > 
> > > Can't trust modern translations of Bible, actually so much
> > > undeserving of trust that they verge on disgusting... 
> > 
> > yet modern translations often are from better ancient texts, which
> > helps in the accuracy.
> The modern translators do not deserve my blind trust in the least.
> This modern day and age that we live in, in which perversion is
> decided to be normal by a vote of medical scientists, and a vote that
> was just slightly in favor (as there were many votes against that
> decision, just not the majority) of the decision how that particular
> aberration in human sexual behavior that up until that vote was
> deemed a desease... That that aberration in human sexual behavior
> which consisted in attraction and sexual relashionship btwn man and
> man and woman and woman instead of btwn man an woman only, how that
> aberation ceases, by a medical vote, to be desease, and becomes
> normal, and since then, by law, in many countries, even contradicting
> that such behavior be normal can put you in trouble...
> This modern day when it must be accepted by anybody that perversion
> (perversion as, erhm, scientists claimed it to be, up until that
> vote, and can something be truth at one time, and then the same thing
> become false in a blink of an... vote?)...
> This modern day when it must be accepted by anybody that perversion
> is a normal behavior, else you are labeled bad names and labeled
> something like anti-human... Else you are evicted from communities...
> Because the truth about those facts "changed" and now you are under
> legal obligation to accept to new truth about those facts...
> And what do you want me to? To trust that in this age, as described
> above by the worse, as well as the most stupid, and mind boggling
> aspect of it... No, I'm not out of topic here, I'm not. This is what
> marks the global society today, these new truths... It imbibes it all
> through, down to Churches and theology...
> You want me to trust that in this age of ours theologians have become
> so clever that all the previous ones were only like little kids,
> maybe smart, but, aarrghh... their works based on such poor sources,
> lacking in real knowledge, or their understanding so limited... All
> the previous theologians in comparison to this day were...
> probably... stupid, eh??
> And what do you want me to? To believe that the Hebrew sources were
> found just recently and didn't exist previously, such as in Jerome's
> time (|V century p.C.)? That Jerome's knowledge of Hebrew was so poor
> that his translation of Bible was rife with approximations...
> No, I trust that ancient Church father, whom all the Christian
> denominations accept, so much more than the new translations. I had,
> time ago, read modern commentaries on some Old Testament texts, and
> the feeling still remains of nausea, with all the approximation of
> the contemprary exegesis... And of the denial of almost any
> supernatural meanings of the Holy Texts.
> It's exactly the other way round, than what you say about accuracy
> futher above, and suppose below. 
> > Sad to say, but why would you read a translation into Latin when
> > you can read one int French or English ?
> I plan to read Latin Vulgate because I already know some Latin, and
> unfortunately no Greek, and I don't believe I would find time to
> learn Greek, or Hebrew, to be able to read the originals...
> I plan to read Latin Vulgate, IOW, basically, Jerome's translation of
> the Bible, because I believe his is the closest translation to the
> originals.
> ---
> P.S. I hope no one will produce any hatred of same-sex people out of
> my words above. By all means, pls. no!, I only regard those facts to
> be truthful as deemed, by a long standing majority, previously to
> that medical scientists vote, and false after that vote. IOW that the
> behavior of those people is an aberration, is a disease. Such people
> need help to get normal. But I don't hate them by any means. And I
> oppose any discrimination against them. They are of course human
> beings as any other human beings. With all the rights as any other
> human beings.
> P.S.2 I think I can be considered as belonging to a minority. A
> Catholic... right... :) But I'm really half joking here.... No, we,
> be it Catholics, Orthodox, or Christians of other denominations,
> we'll be around almost forever and longer, don't worry! And also
> other long-standing world religions will be lasting longer yet... As
> well as any respectful belief in the Supernatural...

Miroslav, I struggle to understand why you have written this to a
computer OS mailing list.

My philosophy is fairly simple, I do not believe everything I see and
hear, I don't care what anybodies race, colour, creed or sexual
orientation is, just as long as whatever they do, doesn't adversely
affect me or anybody else.

I was born and baptised as a catholic, I was recently asked if I was
a lapsed catholic, I replied 'No, I just got better.'


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