On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:12:52 +0200
Dragan FOSS <dragan.f...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 07/23/2017 12:57 AM, Adam Borowski wrote:
> > And, as this thread goes, you're not going to run a bloated DE on
> > such an underpowered machine, are you?  
> Traditional Amish buggy is undoubtedly efficient and usable 
> transportation...for some people ;>

You guys really don't get what KatolaZ was saying, do you?

Average yearly income per-capita in Sub-Saharan Africa is $2,041.00 per


If somebody in Africa manages to cannibalize a few Pentiums, mix and
match parts to produce a functional computer, and find a way to afford
the 300 watts it costs to run it for an hour or so a week, such a person
would be mighty thankful for a good 32 bit Linux.

Must be nice, living in the West, to assume the disposable income to
buy a new car every 15 years or buy a computer every 10 years, but
there are places where such things are scarce and competed over.

There are places in this world where an Amish buggy, let alone a 1992
Chevy Lumina, would be an unaffordable luxury, and I have a feeling the
inhabitants of those places are what KatolaZ was talking about.


Steve Litt 
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
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